Are you using measuring amplifiers from the 80’s or 90’s?

Please consider that it is no longer possible to replace or repair the electronic components integrated in them. The long service life of our products, typically measured in decades, reflects our extraordinary quality standards. In order to guarantee continued production reliability, we recommend that you replace older FMS (formerly FAG) amplifier products.

The following electronic components are no longer available:

  • EMGZ100
  • EMGZ200
  • EMGZ300
  • EMGZ400
  • EMGZ500
  • ExMGZ100 & ExMGZ200
    intrinsically safe barrier for Zone 1 (before 2007 - replacement of barrier and amplifier is necessary)

The perfect solution for you: EMGZ310.comACT with operation via FMS-comACT app. As technology moves forward, the requirements for production plants change, and the trend is certainly towards digital signal processing. In order to make this transition possible, FMS offers amplifier products to easily replace all older units with analog output signals (0 ± 10 VDC and 0/4 or 4/20mA). You will shorten the time for installation and maintenance by using the intuitive FMS-comACT App. It is free to download and makes the commissioning easier. In addition, FMS offers a full line of Amplifiers with Bus Communication protocols such as EtherNet/IP, EtherCAT, and PROFINET.

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